So...I was totally on the radio this morning. I don't know why this is exciting me so much, but I'm completely giddy.
Anyone who listens to country radio in Utah at 6:20 on a Friday morning got to hear my voice today.
I went to work at 8:00 last night and it was a nice and clear 45 degrees outside. When I left this morning at 6:00 it was 25 degrees and a blowing blizzard. I was listening to all the weather and traffic advisories on the radio when I saw something strange.
It's 6:00 in the morning and I see a truck pulling a ski-boat in a snowstorm.
Well, I thought that was funny, so I called KBull and told them. They thought it was funny too and they played my tape on the air!
I'm almost famous.
So does that make it Johnson and Johnson and Johnson in the morning?
congrats! i remember i was on the radio for about ten seconds and i was soooo happy... okay ten seconds is over dramatizing it, it was more like two, but it still feels good.
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