No, I don't mean the blinding whiteness I'm flashing at everyone. Although that's not a pretty sight either.
That's my leg! All my skin is gone!
These wounds tell the story of last weekend's adventures. I wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I obviously didn't do so well.
(However, I maintain that it's not my fault. How was I supposed to know that there was a hand brake and a foot brake? How was I supposed to know that you're not supposed to turn on dirt and use the hand brake at the same time? How was I supposed to know that it could just slide right out from under you with no warning? Someone should have told me these important things!)
The red, fleshless, oozing sore is a burn from the engine. The purple-edged, yellowish-grey spot is where something hard poked me. That is one deep bruise. And, it's been eight days and I still look like this!
I didn't take photo's of the huge bruises on my thigh and arm. Or the gravel embedded in my palm. Or the road rash covering my everything.
Word to the wise. Practice a little more before trying to keep up with the men.
OUCH!!! I hope that gets better soon. It's a great blog that you've got here. Happy 21st birthday!!! It's your birthday, you can sleep in all that you want.
If you get bored or something, feel free to stop by my blog. I think that you might like it. Anyway, hope the leg heals up & you're not afraid to keep trying the motorcycle thing.
That's almost creepy, Matt's leg has a scar that looks just like that! (From doing exactly the same thing! ....who's surprised?)
OH MY GOSH! Girl that looks painful! Please take care of yourself! That could turn into a nasty scare, but it WON'T! Sending you love and healing of abundance! You rock!
but at least it's a cool story right? Get better soon.
Madi Nibley
Life comes at you fast. If you want to live to a ripe old age like yours truly (grin), learn NOT to attempt to operate any vehicle without FIRST learning how to properly operate them! Just because someone that knows what they're doing makes it look easy doesn't mean that it will be easy for a novice.
What I wanna know is, after the accident, did anyone call emergency dispatch and request help from your coworkers?
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