And to be quite honest, I don't really have exciting things to blog about. I guess all I can do is fill you in on the not-very-exciting details of my life.
My brake pads had to be replaced. They were pretty much worn down to paper thickness.
I ran into a high school friend I haven't seen in awhile. She had two children with her and they first thing she said when she saw me was, "Hi! These aren't mine."
I'm pretty sure I laughed at that.
I had a slumber party with Sophie. We rented The Jungle Book (the live people version), shared a chocolate cream pie shake from Sonic (Mmmmm), and squished in my bed all night. (I was shoved against the wall and she complained that she was falling off. She's like two inches wide. I really didn't think it would be that hard to fit us both.)
I went to the mall four times this week. I've got a very specific shopping list for Vegas next week and only small chunks of time in which to purchase these items. I must say though, I'm very proud of my progress.
I have a mission. My fashion life has taken a nosedive over the last two years. Ever since I started dispatching, I pretty much wear one of two things. My gawdawful uniform or pajamas. All I want to do on my days off is be comfortable. Comfortable does NOT equal cute.
I want to change things. I've purchased a variety of cute, quirky, and trendy items to jazz up my wardrobe. There is absolutely NO excuse for me looking dumpy whilst on vacation. If you catch me doing so, I expect a flogging from someone. (That means YOU!)
How did I forget this?!?! The biggest news EVER!!
I got a new lens!
(Ok, I know what you're saying. You're saying that you've heard this before, but this time is a little different. This is the MACK DADDY of all lenses.)

NOW I remember why I haven't told you. I was going to take some pretty photos with it to show off what it can do. I DID actually take some photos of Chloe, but I haven't gotten around to editing them. Hopefully one of these days...
Just know that I can die happy now. I've found the meaning of life. It is owning this lens.
One minor note for anyone who cares, the official countdown is as follows: 4 days till Cali, 6 days till Vegas!
1 comment:
don't worry. Everybody's life gets sloggish, especially around February.
And personally I think your life sounds pretty fun right now, so enjoy it! Vacationing, wow.
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