It's not you, it's me. I really mean that. You've been wonderful and supportive. I've just needed some space. A little "me time", if you will.
I promise I'm still alive and kicking. See? Here's a photo of me. (After all, what are you besides a place for me to post photos of myself?)

Now, I'm not saying this to be mean, but I think you ought to know. During our time apart, I haven't thought about you very much. I know it's painful for you to hear that I've forgotten about you, but I mean it when I say that I could never forget you in my heart.
I've just been so freaking busy!! Work and photos and work and photos...
(And yet, ironically, my busy-ness hasn't really been that interesting. Nothing to blog about...)
I hope to get our relationship back on track. You'll have to be patient, because it might be slow going. But I promise I'm working on it. We might consider couples therapy...
In the meantime, know that I still love you and you will always be my one and only blog.
(Except for this one. But it's just business. There's NOTHING going on between us. I swear.)
So please, hang in there with me. We're great together and I know we can have a beautiful relationship again.
I love that photo. And it works so well in B/W. Must be a fun lens, eh?
This blog really helped me as my own blog relationship has been neglected recently as well. It even got to the point that an intervention by my husband's friend's aunt was needed. Yup. But I think we're getting back on track - just stick with it!
I really appreciated this blog as my own blog relationship has been suffering from neglect recently as well. It even took an intervention by friends and family to get us back on track. I know it's hard sometimes but just stick with it! ;) haha
I concur with Em. I, too, really like the kitchen-in-the-round view from above photo. You are sooo creative and imaginative. I marvel at your ingenuity and different camera angles and other tricks of the trade. I guess that's why your a pro-fesh-ional. :)
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