I was interrupted during Monday night Simpsons.
I knew it would've had to be something about Destiny. It's the biggest news story in the state right now. They wouldn't interrupt The Simpsons for just anything.
You could tell it wasn't going to be good even before anything was said.
And unfortunately...I was right.
"Tonight at approximately 8:30 pm, the body of Destiny Norton was found..."
As soon as the words were said, I could feel something draining, not just out of me, but out of everyone. Once the awful news was out, I could feel a somber sadness all around me. (Even though I was watching tv all alone in my bedroom.)

I don't think there are words to describe the grief I imagine I'd feel. Anguish, agony, despair. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.
I can't understand how someone would have the gall to take another's life into their own hands and cut it short.
But I also can't understand the reactions of some to the tragic news.
Suddenly all the hope and community and esprit de corps was forgotten. Suddenly it was only anger and criticism and blame. And all towards the ones who worked hardest to bring her home.
Now the anger I can understand. But I feel it was sadly, horribly misdirected.
Having never lost someone one close to me, it is hard for me to judge the people in this situation. But I do know, had it been me, I would've been on my knees thanking those Officers for doing all in their power to help.
Knowing many Officers personally and working closely with them on almost a daily basis, I know the commitment these men and women put into their jobs. It becomes more than a way to pay the bills. It become their duty.
If you were to ask any Officer in the state, I guarantee that every single one of them would've given their life to bring Destiny home.
I think Destiny's so-called "family" would do well to remember that.
Remember her life and also respect the lives lost and given in service to the rest of us.
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