I feel so out of touch.
Uneducated. Ignorant. Naive.
I typically consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but after today, I'm questioning everything I ever knew.
Ok, back up. Let's start from the beginning.
As of last week, I am officially finished with training and am now a full-time employee for the City of Orem Department of Public Safety.
(And there was much rejoicing...)
So with this newly earned title comes a few perks. Most importantly, a raise! And I also pass into the adult world with the added responsibilty of knowing and understanding the complex and confusing world that is benefits.
Now, seeing the fact that I am only 20 years old, I have never given much thought to health insurance and/or retirement accounts.
Insurance? Already have it, thanks Dad. Retirement? Not for a loooong time. Not worrying about it right now.
But today, I had to worry.
Before I can even blink I'm suddenly having to make decisions about 401(k) and 457 plans and International stock fund growth and deferred compensation and deductibles and premiums and...(sigh)
I'm really glad I talked a little bit about this stuff with Dad last night, or else it would have been completely over my head instead of just mostly over my head.
I know, I know...I'm supposed to learn this stuff. But honstly. In my perfect world, I will transition smoothly into the loving, knowledgeable hands of my husband who will be more than willing to handle all the insurance, taxes, loans, and financial nonsense that I have no patience for. It'll be great.
Sam, I love you, you are hilarious! Jesica and I missed you so much tonight! So, we have to go to ihop again some time, and do fun things haha. 401ks scare me too, so do taxes, and all the other crap that come with being an adult, and I think your whole idea with the husband doing all that kinda stuff is a fantastic idea! I think ill join you with that one haha. Love you, good night
Good luck with that - I thought the same thing, most of my guy friends in college were "financially literate" so I thought it was a guy thing. But I happened to marry a guy who was even less financially literate than I am and who expects ME to handle all the finances. It's the kind of rude awakening that keeps slapping me in the face over and over again.
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