I'm eyeing myself a nice Digital SLR, but am pondering how to aquire one without having to eat Top Ramen for the rest of the year. This beauty is the Canon Digital Rebel. It exactly what I want for my purposes right now, but he's looking to set me back $800+.

Camera #2 is the Nikon D40. Significantly cheaper, but has one major drawback. If I want to use the wonder that is auto-focus, I have to purchase a certain type of lens with the auto-focus motor built in. It is an unexplained mystery as to why they didn't put that part into the actual camera. I'll just have to wonder.
So, dilema. Do I spring for the one I really want even though it has quite the price tag? Or go with the cheaper version and worry about hunting down the right kind of lens, which possibly could end up making my total about the same?
I don't know. I'm waiting for divine inspiration to deliver one to my doorstep.
Nikon D40 is my dream camra. My aunt got one for Christmas and i got to use it, it was freaking amazing. Any way... theres a bit of worthless information for ya.
Personally I'd spring for the Canon, after all your parents won't let you starve! And there's nothing worse than spending a whole bunch of money anyway and not ending up with what you really wanted.
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