I own a car.
I could never say that until yesterday. I'll say it again, just cause I can. I own a car. All by myself.
Granted it's not quite as fun as Lianne's Lexus or Aubrey's Mazda 6, but hey.
It runs and it's mine.
This is not a picture of my car. My car is sitting in front of my house and I would take a picture of it, but it's dark outside. This looks just like my car. Same strange, purple-y color and everything. But my car doesn't have a big blue sign that says 1997 on it.
My bank now owns my soul, but only for a year. Maybe less than a year if I can pay it off quicker.
This whole car owning/buying business is stressful stuff. Maybe not to anyone else but it has been for me. Loans and titles and bill of sales and registrations...
I think ownership should be determined by who has the key. If someone hands over the key, it's yours. Period. End of transaction.
SAM YOU HAVE A CAR!! yay! Im so excited for ya! Love ya, cya
I agree, buying a car is uber-stress. Unfortunately life only gets more complicated from there....try renting your own apartment, buying a house, taking out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans, dealing with maternity leave, disability insurance, etc.etc.etc.
I totally want to be 7 years old again.
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