March 25, 2007

I'm very sad. Can you tell?
My iPod is broken.
I had to look at this depressing little iCon flashing on the screen.
I must admit, I shed a few tears.
How did this come about, you are asking? was an accident you see. Stupid, really.
You know those silver magnets that you throw in the air and they stick together? Well, ok that's not really a very good description. Bear with me.
Sophie was taking a bath and I needed something to do until she was ready to actually get clean. I was playing with said magnets. They're cheap entertainment. I went to lay down on Dad's bed and was going to finish watching March of the Penguins.
I had the magnets in my hand as I reached into my pocket to grab my iPod.
Well, you know how magnets are. They're very clingy.
It was only for 3 or 4 seconds, but the damage had been done.
Suddenly the emperor penguin and his egg were gone and all that was left was the sad little iPod and the sound of whatever's inside an iPod grinding away. It was a disturbing sound.
So now my task is to fix it. I'm not sure what or where or when exactly. I'm trying not to worry about it and I'm especially trying not to think about how much it's going to cost me. However, money is no object. My pod is like my child. I didn't realize how much I use it until I can't anymore.
Oh well. What's done is done. I'll get it fixed, but I will have to be tuneless in the meantime.


Em said...

welcome to my tuneless world babe - yeah I know.... sucks to be us.

Katie May said...

I guess I've been tuneless this whole time and didn't even know it! Like Emily, I welcome you to the world of nothingness...stinks to be stuck with the mama's, huh?