I got stung by a BEE! A real one. With a stinger!
I've never been stung by a bee before. It hurt! A lot more than I thought bee stings hurt.
I didn't even see it coming. All of the sudden I cursed and my elbow started burning. And THEN, the air was swarming with bees. It was like My Girl.
I could have died.
I guess it was worth it though. Look how gorgeous Angela looks.

Oh the sacrifices of an artist. I got stung by a bee when we were taking pictures too. It hurts huh?!
You did?! On the day I took them??
Why didn't you tell me?!
Great shot Sam :)
Big D
Email me ;)
I didn't want to make a big deal about it. Plus it stopped hurting after a while. No big deal. :) By the way, the pictures of Angela are great!
Indeed, well done Sam
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