Two and a half hours of work left to go and I'm fading fast....
I need something exciting to wake me up. Like a shooting or a robbery or a wild animal on the rampage.
Let's see how creative I can get.
Someone reports a suspicious vehicle. It's a black armored car that has been destroyed. It's only recognizeable as a twisted scrap of metal. It turns out the car belongs to the Secret Service. The President is missing and all his bodyguards have suffered horrible, painful, traumatizing deaths. There are body parts strewn on the streets and stray dogs are tearing them apart, mercilessly destroying the crime scene and any usable evidence.
What do you do?
I'm taking it upon myself to hold a contest. Who ever can come up with the most creative, interesting, and neatest explanation for this puzzling dilema shall win a prize. Prize shall be determined at my discretion on a later date.
Happy crime solving!
So do we decide how to proceed or try to figure out what just happened? Or both?
We're trying to figure out what happened, however crazy it may be. Have at it!
(My story involves mental patients and the Martians from Mars Attacks.
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