I'm not sure I can do this much longer. I've never been so tired in my entire life. It's not like, Oh I'm so tired today. It's a constant exhaustion.
I swear I sleep ten hours a day, but I wake up even more tired than I was when I went to sleep.
It's a vicious, awful, terrible cycle. I feel like I'm dying very, verrry slowly.
I'm starting to get a little bitter about it. I never see the light of day. I never get normal contact with other people. The ONLY things I can usually do with myself is catch a late movie or go to Walmart. (Story of my life...)
I'm counting down. Only 14 more workdays of graveyards. Sigh...
Graveyards are brutal that way. I don't know if you've heard my mom tell stories of how her soul was sucked out of her body when she was working graveyards while my dad was in vet school, but based on the graveyards I worked at KBYU, I can totally concur. Graveyards are horrendous, no matter how much sleep you get, you cannot make up for not sleeping at night, and sleeping during the day just isn't as restful.
Is that 14 days until graveyards are over forever? Or is that a temporary reprieve?
Forever? Oh that's only a dream.
Ya, I'll be back on graves in May again. But at least I work better days of the week next time around.
The one ray of hope...
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