So, remember all those upcoming posts I told you about? The ones where I told the great stories of my recent adventures? Well, in case you didn't notice, they didn't happen. I got rather side-tracked.
Don't get me wrong, I did have great adventures. And I'm sure the stories would be wonderful also. I just haven't gotten around to writing about any of them.
I've been way too busy editing photos.
Photos like this.

And this.

I also bought
these. I'm so excited. They are supposed to make your photo editing
less time consuming, but I have a strong suspicion it will do the exact opposite for me. I imagine I'll spend even more time than ever messing around with my photos.
I also have a bit of good news. Cami, a work friend of
Jason's wanted some photos of her and her hubby. So
Aubrey and I took an afternoon and shot some nice photos for them.
Like this.

According to Jason, she loved them. And also according to Jason, two more people at his office want me and Aubrey to shoot them some photos! How cool is that.
So now we are casually bouncing around words like "freelance" and "business" and "self-employed" and "big bucks."
So, I guess we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!