I'm feeling a little blue today and I'm not sure why. I've been doing really good for awhile, which is sadly unusual for me. But I'm not complaining. More ups than downs is rather nice. I think I'll keep it up.
But the downs were bound to catch up with me sooner or later.
I really get irritated when I feel sad for no good reason. But I just do. I just get sad sometimes. I'm working on it though.
I think deep down, I have an idea as to why I'm feeling this way, but there's a 94.6% chance that it's irrational thinking, so I don't want to voice it aloud. It might make it seem more real that way and I really don't want it to.
Then I would just be reaffirming my negative, guilty, selfish thinking. I've been working hard to do away with that.
I need to push away all my sad, wallowing, misunderstood, self-pitying nonsense that I've believed for far too long.
I'm being positive! I'm being confident! I am the creator of my life!
I feel cheered up already.
I've been taking a Photoshop class and I'm having fun playing with all the different things I've learned. I think that might become my new emergency, make-me-happy, feel-good activity.
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