So, it feels like winter. It's not
technically winter for a few more days, but I tend to base the seasons by my wardrobe decisions. When I can finally unpack my 40 billion scarves and ten pairs of fingerless gloves, it's winter time. (I have a thing for scarves and fingerless gloves.)
Winter, obviously, means snow. There are a lot of things I love about snow. Sometimes I am in awe seeing what a few inches of white can do. I love how during a snowstorm it can be 3:00 AM and it will still be a little bit light outside. I love how the earth will sometimes be completely silent if snow is falling. Stepping out on the porch and not hearing a thing can be the best sound in the world. Snow on tree branches and balanced on fence posts? I love it.
However.There are a great many things I despise about winter. Scraping off my windshield, frozen fingers, wet pant legs, being cold in general...
And don't even get me started about driving in the snow. Not only do I drive an un-4 wheel drive car, but put some snow on the roads and everyone thinks they can drive like an idiot.
I think we all remember what happened
last year. I'm bound and determined not to let THAT happen again.
Which brings me to my next point. Last Sunday, the City of Orem had 29 traffic accidents in 4 hours. I
hate driving to work in a blizzard, knowing my next 10 hours are going to be hell and not being able to do a thing about it.
Now, I hate being judgemental, but it's things like
this, and
this that make me want to move to Aruba. It puts me in a bad mood to see a house that looks like it was barfed on by the Ghost of Christmas Lights Past. I am so picky about what makes good Christmas lights, I should start a club. Only a select few are allowed to join.
Sam's Exclusive I-Have-Christmas-Lights-That-Aren't-Tacky Club.
~No icicle lights
~No flashing lights
~No multi-colored lights
~No multi-colored, flashing, icicle lights
~No inflatable lawn ornaments
~No light-up deer that are pretending to eat your grass
~No giant manger scenes
~White lights on houses ONLY, preferably large bulbs
~Colored lights on trees allowed ONLY if the whole strand is the same color
~Wreaths are allowed on doors and windows, can be lit with white lights
These are the basic rules. Any other questions will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Request to join the club should include color photos of your home from at least five angles and a two page essay explaining why you think you deserve to be accepted.