I have no idea why.
For some unknown reason, I want a gun. I want to learn how they work, I want to learn how to shoot them, I just want to know.
Maybe it's because I'm around all these officers all the time and guns are all they talk about.
Maybe it's because someone is going to break into my house and attack me one of these days and this is God's way of warning me.
Maybe my life is just boring and I need a new hobby.
I should have prefaced this by informing you all that I know nothing about guns. I know you pull the trigger and they shoot bullets. I know there are rifles and pistols and shotguns and probably other kinds too. I know guns can kill people very badly.
I've shot guns before. My Dad has a .22 and a shotgun. I've tried those out once or twice. But see, in those situations, I'm handed a loaded gun and told, "Ok, aim for that soda can and don't kill anyone."
I don't hunt.
I'm not a cop.
I don't have some revengeful vendetta against someone.
I just want one.
Ok, now that we've established that, let's get down to business.
Aubrey and I are considering taking a concealed firearms class. There's one coming up in July and we might sign up for it. I don't ever plan on shooting someone, but well, it's probably a good idea to be able to defend myself.
So, on to equipment. I've spent the last few nights talking to officers trying to get an idea of what kind of gun to buy. (Because, if you'll remember, I know nothing. We're starting from scratch here.)
There are just so many decisions! Glock, Smith & Wesson, Colt, Beretta, Kahr, Walther...
(Are you impressed I know all these brands of guns? You should be.)
Well, after a few days discussion, I've settled on two that I might like.
Glock 23

or Kahr CW40

So, what do you think? Am I insane?
It's possible.