So much for trying to avoid another one of
Ok, so it wasn't quite the same. I'm just kind of confused. I've managed to make it the past 20 years without spending any time in a hospital. (Not counting my birth of course.)
But two ER visits in a month? What's up with that?
This morning starts out wonderfully. Waking up to the sounds of new fallen snow, hot, steamy shower, watching ER (the tv show, not the place), peacefully doing my makeup and blowdrying my hair....
Fast forward an hour later. My good hair day is now plastered with wet slush, my shoes are soaking wet, my car is damaged, my thumb is swelling, and my mouth is swearing.
I was able to navigate the impassable, unplowed roads all the way to work....almost.
Literally one block from work, Mr. Geo Prizm decides to have a spin out.
So here I go a-sliding into the curb.
Oh look, now I'm stuck in the snow.
Ten minutes later, I'm still stuck and very cold.
Hooray, some nice guy stopped to help me.
Well, he can't get it unstuck either.
Oh good, he'll get his truck and tow rope.
Yay, it's working. We're moving.
Almost there.
Almost there.
Curb, tires, steering wheel turning.
Thumb getting whacked by steering wheel.
Thumb swelling, pain shooting.
Thanking nice guy. Holding back tears.
So here I sit, several hours and pain pills later.
My car is parked, undrivable, in the parking lot and my thumb looks like this.

So off I go to get an x-ray. Luckily it's not broken. Just a possible torn ligament, as if thats good news.
Needless to say, it's been less than a peachy day.
I'm going home to have a Lortab.