Times sure change quickly. When I was younger, my idea of a good time was pretty uncompli- cated. Climbing trees, making forts in the backyard, jumping on the trampoline, kiddie rides at Lagoon....
Things were much more simple back then. The biggest stresses in my life were missing cartoons or being sent to my room because I didn't wash the dishes.
School was a walk, so I didn't really ever have to worry about that. My basic objective in life was to do whatever I needed to get Mom off my back, and then play the day away.
Sounds pretty typical kid right?
And of course, like all kids, you can't wait to grow up. You want to be able to do all the cool stuff adults do. You like the freedom of being little, but you don't want to be a kid anymore.
You want people to treat you older, with respect. You want to drive, to have money, to do whatever you want without people telling you what to do.
But, you don't want the obligatory responsibilities that come along with all the grown-up perks. It's sort of a conundrum. Most people are left wanting the best of both worlds.
I admit, I fall into that category. I feel like I'm at the age where you're stuck in the middle of both. I still have opportunities to play and still be a kid, but I also have responsibilties that I don't always want.
I still have fun, but life isn't as carefree as it used to be.
I miss the days when on any given Saturday, you'd know I'd have spent the whole morning watching cartoons. It makes me sad to know that those days are over.

Part of me doesn't want to grow up. Like on Peter Pan. I want to stay a kid forever.
I remember the day when I was too tall to ride the little blue boats at Lagoon.
I cried. I loved that ride.
But I must admit, I don't think I'd get quite the same thrill out of riding those boats as I used to. Now days I need a real boat. Speed, adrenaline, grown-up fun.
Now my kind of adventures are waterskiing and trying out the Skycoaster at Lagoon. (I did it for the first time last Saturday! What a thrill!)
I suppose all I can do is just make the most of it. I can't slow time, I can't stop the clock. I might as well enjoy life as it comes, taking the good and the bad.
Ya, I might have to hold down a job and do things that I just don't want to, but at least I know that a good boating trip is just around the corner.